Pedro Arantes
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Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, or remember information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.
It can lead to bad decision-making because group members may not express their own opinions or ideas or may not challenge the views of others in the group.
Small Batch-Size Activities Increase Trust
Small batch-size activities increase the interactions, increasing their behavior prediction. Once they can foretell how they'll act, they trust each other.
Social Expectancy Theory
You don't need others to have similar attitudes and values to yours to trust someone; you just need to predict their behavior.
Human Nature Explanations
Three social maps explain human nature. These three theories are widely accepted, independent or in combination, to explain the nature of man.
Fight or Flight
The fight or flight response is a biochemical reaction in animals that enables them to rapidly produce sufficient energy to flee or fight in a threatening situation.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
It's a motivational theory in psychology comprising stages of human needs.
Cognitive Bias
A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern deviation of the norm or rationality in judgment because the individual constructed reality.
People Systematically Overlook Subtractive Changes
When faced with a problem, people tend to prefer solutions that add new elements rather than removing elements, even if removing is the more efficient solution.
Pleasure Principle (Psychology)
It's the instinctive seeking of pleasure and avoiding of pain to satisfy biological and psychological needs.
Hyperbolic Discounting
This theory states that humans discount the value of a later reward by some factor that increases with the delay's length.
Mental Models
Mental models are frameworks, worldviews, representations, or explanations of how something works. They're how we understand the world.
Social Media Addiction
Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and addiction are problems caused by social media addiction.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
Is a cognitive bias hypothesis in which people with low ability at a given task overestimate their ability at that task.
Flow State (Psychology)
It's the most efficient state when doing a task.
Psychological Trigger
Psychological triggers are the stimulus that creates a reaction in a brain and/or body without he/she notices.
Information and Digital Content in Modern Society
People use the Internet to connect to others, entertainment, or to be informed.
The Evolution of Anxiety
The Delayed Return Environment causes chronic anxiety and stress because our brain was designed to live in an Immediate Return Environment.